As we become aware of our spiritual nature, we recognize our true essence. We are immortal and divine.
— Brian L. Weiss, Messages from the Masters

My Mission


Although I never realized it at the time, my entire life has been spent in search of truth. A strict Christian upbringing set the stage for me to find my way. However, it was not until the book Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss unexpectedly fell into my lap that I started to find the answers that I was looking for. My inner being smiled as my conscious mind began to catch up to the truth that we are eternal beings having a human experience.


My internal guidance has confirmed to me time and again that my mission is to help others to come to the same realization of their divine and eternal nature, while also helping to achieve a balance between the spiritual and the material. I am particularly interested in working with clients to break destructive repetitive patterns, especially in relationships, in order to facilitate stepping into personal power and truth. 

I am a certified practitioner of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Introspective Hypnosis, a certified Reiki practitioner (Levels 1 and 2), and a certified Hypnotherapist.